Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I like to stick with proven science like mega dosing vitamin C*

I was reading this TPM/Slice piece by Alice Hines, not all that enthralled by the writing (so far, I've found the Slice to be overwhelmingly underwhelming), but I'm interested in the subject (multilevel marketing of nutritional supplements) and I was generally in agreement with the skeptical tone. Then I hit this:
I try a peppermint oil myself on my last day in Utah, when I’m having allergies. Jeanne had mentioned it was great for sinus problems, so I place a few drops under my nose and wait optimistically. The spicy candy cane smell helps clear my sinuses exactly as much as the EMPowerplus Q96 helped me overcome my irrational fear of wrecking my rental car: not at all. On my way to the airport, still sniffling, I stop by a coffee shop and order a lavender Kombucha. Bubbly, sour, fragrant, tonic...the liquid does everything the oil didn’t. As I sip it and think about how in a few hours I’ll be home, rental car safely returned, the mucus in my throat washes away. Maybe it was the Zyrtec I took that morning, or maybe it was something more transcendent. To quote Denise, it just worked.
I am entirely ready to believe that a hot beverage can help clear the throat but attributing the medicinal properties to Kombucha, even the lavender variety, makes me a bit nervous:
According to the American Cancer Society, "Kombucha tea has been promoted as a cure-all for a wide range of conditions including baldness, insomnia, intestinal disorders, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and cancer. Supporters say that Kombucha tea can boost the immune system and reverse the aging process."[1] Drinking Kombucha can cause liver damage and death.[2] Although laboratory experiments are suggestive of possible health effects, there is no evidence that kombucha consumption benefits human health.[19][20][21]

Case reports "raise doubts about the safety of kombucha",[21] since there have been incidents of central nervous system impairment, suspected liver damage, metabolic acidosis,[21] and toxicity in general.[21][22] Acute conditions caused by drinking of kombucha, such as lactic acidosis, are more likely to occur in persons with pre-existing medical conditions.[22] Other reports suggest exercising caution if regularly drinking kombucha while taking medical drugs or hormone replacement therapy.[23] Kombucha may also cause allergic reactions.[24] Some adverse health effects may be due to the acidity of the tea, cautioning preparers to avoid over-fermentation.[25]
Maybe she was better of with the peppermint oil.


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